Saturday, June 24, 2017

Yesterday was incredible!

Wow...It was a big weekend, so let me start at the top.

First, Goddess needed me to pick up a few things from the local Amazing sex shop. Namely, a princess plug, and a gag if i could find one that was within our means and decent quality. A few other things, too, if i could afford them.

So, i got my princess plug, and i love it. i love it so very much. i have yet to spend more than 5 minutes without it since. So, yea. But, i did have a plug in for a while before that, so i'm actually at about 3 days with my ass full and plugged...i'm having so much fun!

The other thing i got was a ballgag. Made by, and it's phenomenal. Except i forgot to buy a lock again. But, it does lock. It can be locked onto my head and be stuck! We had me sleep in it the first night, but not last night. It was...comfy? Comfy as i imagine having your mouth forced open all night can possibly be. lol. It was incredible. And, though we haven't made any formal announcements to fans, i am sleeping in the cage again. Actually, i'm spending pretty much all my time in the cage. It's not covered or anything, Goddess can look over at me whenever She wants, and all i can really do is chill.

She gave me my phone and told me i could work, and i've been working, but i think i could actually handle the boredom. She had me turn the TV, so i can see it, but i get so lost in my own headspace, i don't care. i'm sure i will eventually, but for now, it's not important. i just...get lost, and in this space where i recognize fully how unimportant i am. Don't read this the wrong way, it's not that i'm worthless or can't do anything, i just...recognize how little i impact anything while i'm locked up.

Because in that time, no one cares what i do. i could watch TV, work, or sleep, and it wouldn't change anything and i know Goddess doesn't care what i do. If it's in the cage, it's fair game. And that is...simply amazing. It's an amazing feeling, and one i'd been searching for, though i appreciate Goddess making sure i have something to do, even if it's not super important that i do anything.

She even did Her own thing without even looking in my direction and it drove me wild.

Maybe i should do an educational piece on my own fetishes...i probably sound somewhat crazy...

Anyway, then yesterday, i was brought to Walmart to get a collar and tag. i got a pretty pink collar with diamond studs all over it, and a collar that says "princess digit, property of Moon Goddess Eclipse" and i love it! i also got a bikini top.

For anyone that doesn't yet know, i'm trans. My boobies are tiny, (but there. i do have a handful!), but i went to the beach in my short shorts and bikini top, collar, and tag and i have never felt quite like that!

Today, i got 2 bikini sets. Both white, because Goddess likes me in white, and i modified them. The tops have no...anything. They are now cupless, just a skeleton of the former swim wear they once were, and i poked a hole in the bottom, so my clit is forever poking out, and i'm wearing one of those now. The other is sitting in bleach, where the one i'm wearing now will be tomorrow. All day tomorrow. Every day, i'll be bleaching one and wearing the other, so i'm always fresh, clean, and white.

i'm so happy, and i don't think anything can bring me down. And now, if you'll excuse me, i must cuddle this cat. Love Y/you!

Princess Digit