Saturday, December 9, 2017

The last couple of days

********************************** Spoiler! For those who don't like certain 4 letter C words, this post isn't for You. This blog really isn't for You. So sorry... So, rules have been changed. MoonGoddess Eclipse was asking about it's personal brand of humiliation, and seemed quite delighted by it. Now, it is to refer to itself in the third person by it's new name, 'cunt', or as 'it'. And cunt has never been happier in it's life! Oh fuck, being able to feel validated while still being consistently demeaned and degraded, is amaing! Goddess has even been using her cunt more often, even tying it and gagging it while playing games. She even put a vibrator on it's clit and let it melt. This cunt has never felt like that before. Everything hurt, and felt amazing, and cunt loved it, and cunt hated it, and so on and so forth, cunt could honestly go on for a long time. Suffice to say, i am one very happy cunt.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Just a thought on the treatment of Her slave

I just feel like writing. Because then, I can get everything down on "paper" as a means to have an outlet. Because I'm really pent up, and it does things to my mind. I don't even really want to write, I have to catch myself from switching tabs and leaving this writing alone. I don't want to do that. I want to get it out. See, when I get horny, I mean really really horny, I don't want to be a person. I don't want to be viewed as a person. I don't want to be treated like a person. I end up wanting to be a thing. Just a source of amusement that is barely factored into anything. i want to be gagged, and tied, and blindfolded, and given nothing but teasing and torment simply because it's funny. I want to simply exist in this torturous hellspace wherein I Like the idea I woke up with, and just strapped down to some kind of rolling table, so I can be brought with Mommy, no need to see, to hear, to speak, just a clit and a pussy right there for Her to torture and tease and giggle and enjoy knowing I'm there. The issue I face is that it's hard to explain this, because it sounds like I don't want to be loved and cared for, when I do. I really do. I just don't want it to be as often as it is now. Like, full days doing nothing but being dragged around, teased, beaten and used, and then some loving at the end of the day, to say thank you for taking it all, and to be proud of how much I managed to take and how much I could handle. And then, locked in the cage to await the same fate the next day. Spoken to only when She wants to, touched only when She wants to, just left to wait in the silent darkness for the next agonizing touch, the next round of unendurable teasing. Even left tied up in the cage so I don't forget what I am. I's hard to really pin down exactly how I feel about it. Because even typing it, I'm sitting here like, "Do I really want that?" And a big part of my says yes, and a (shrinking) part of me says no. I don't even care if Mommy reads this, I just needed to say it. Love you all! ~ Princess Digit ~

Saturday, August 19, 2017


This is just some abstract notes based on what I'm doing.

I set up the input controller, so I no longer need to worry about any input. From there, I'll set up the rest of the notification system, so I can basically get all the data I could need. The notification system will just allow me to get a deep hint whenever anything happens, optimizing my frame rate throughout gameplay.

From there, I'll build the D-monster AI, which seems easy enough, since they aren't too bright to begin with, (their brains are too close together! Hehe), so they just move somewhat idly back and forth.

I hope I can animate the brutal fash smashing fucking they do. It's...intense. lol. But I think they'll work well.

I have to get to work. Sorry for the weird update! <3<3

Thursday, July 27, 2017

My Forever Girl

The dim room felt...suffocating. the air was stale, and unbearably hot and humid. She tried to move, but jumped in agony, her numb muscles angry at being awoken.

She cringed as the sharp intensity ran down her spine, driving her entire body to spasm. She struggled to calm herself, breathing deeply, and took in her situation.

Her arms were chained in heavy manacles, the steel biting into the soft, tender flesh of her arm. A heavy chain pulled them strictly up, holding her forward and still, on her knees.

Her mouth was held wide open with a ring, and something very...very big was pressed tightly against her ass, far larger than the small puckered hole it was harshly pressing into.

She waited, trying her best to stay still amidst the unbearable conditions. Every shift in weight pressing the huge dildo into her tiny virgin ass and making her body scream in protest.

A door opened behind her and someone walked in. A loud Smack! filled the air, and she felt her cheeks light up in pain as the slap hit, then gently caressed her soft flesh.

"Mmmmmmmm... You're awake. Good." Before the poor bound girl could say or do anything, she felt long, slender fingers reach into her messy hair and pull her forward. Screaming out in pain, she found a warm, wet pussy in her mouth, the juices already coating her lips and tongue.

"Lick me, you little whore. Or so help me, I'll make this feel like bliss compared to where I put you next." The voice was feminine, a sensual mix of heavy sultry tones mixed with light and sweetness. Like mixing chocolate and strawberry together, but dripping with power and lust.

While her body ached and screamed, she slowly stuck her tongue into the folds of the other woman's sex, tasting every drop of her arousal, every crevice of her lust. The moans and little squirms that came out we're turning on the little bound beauty, who couldn't help but feel a twinge of pleasure at the reactions.

The platinum blonde Goddess enjoying her fun noticed the gleam in her new toys eyes and smirked internally, bend forward seductively and running her fingers up the poor girls sex.

"My my," she said, pressing her pussy coated fingers in the face of her captive, "I can't believe it, is this turning you on? You little whore!" She slapped the her captive hard in the face, leaving a red handprint and tears in her eyes, "I'll let you have some time to reflect on your predicament. I'll be back when I feel like hurting you some more." and with that, the girl in bondage lowered her head as she cried softly into the darkness.

The hours passed slowly. Without any light in the cold, dark room, all the poor girl had to focus on was the tingling in her pussy, and the pain everywhere else while trying to keep the enormous dildo out of her hole.

By the time her captor came back, she was crying softly, her entire body numb with pain. The long hours had driven the 7" wide tip of the dildo into her stretched ass, and she had given up all hope of getting it out. All she could focus on was getting just the tiniest bit of relief.

The footsteps stopped right in front of her, and she slowly looked up.

"Have a fun night? Got more of that dildo in you than I expected you to. Maybe it'll be all the way in if I wait another day..." She trailed off and started to walk away.

"No, please! I'll do anything! Just untie me!" The stress was enough, she couldn't hand another night. Her captor smiled and untied her, slowly stretching out the poor girl's sore muscles and hugging her tight.

"You did so well! That was interesting. Think you'll be up for more sometime, Sugar?"

Sugar nodded gently and nuzzled closer, gripping like her life depended on it. Spice simply held her, until she was ready for more.

Thank You so much for reading. Sugar and Spice will be back. I just have to think of their next scene.

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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Yesterday was incredible!

Wow...It was a big weekend, so let me start at the top.

First, Goddess needed me to pick up a few things from the local Amazing sex shop. Namely, a princess plug, and a gag if i could find one that was within our means and decent quality. A few other things, too, if i could afford them.

So, i got my princess plug, and i love it. i love it so very much. i have yet to spend more than 5 minutes without it since. So, yea. But, i did have a plug in for a while before that, so i'm actually at about 3 days with my ass full and plugged...i'm having so much fun!

The other thing i got was a ballgag. Made by, and it's phenomenal. Except i forgot to buy a lock again. But, it does lock. It can be locked onto my head and be stuck! We had me sleep in it the first night, but not last night. It was...comfy? Comfy as i imagine having your mouth forced open all night can possibly be. lol. It was incredible. And, though we haven't made any formal announcements to fans, i am sleeping in the cage again. Actually, i'm spending pretty much all my time in the cage. It's not covered or anything, Goddess can look over at me whenever She wants, and all i can really do is chill.

She gave me my phone and told me i could work, and i've been working, but i think i could actually handle the boredom. She had me turn the TV, so i can see it, but i get so lost in my own headspace, i don't care. i'm sure i will eventually, but for now, it's not important. i just...get lost, and in this space where i recognize fully how unimportant i am. Don't read this the wrong way, it's not that i'm worthless or can't do anything, i just...recognize how little i impact anything while i'm locked up.

Because in that time, no one cares what i do. i could watch TV, work, or sleep, and it wouldn't change anything and i know Goddess doesn't care what i do. If it's in the cage, it's fair game. And that is...simply amazing. It's an amazing feeling, and one i'd been searching for, though i appreciate Goddess making sure i have something to do, even if it's not super important that i do anything.

She even did Her own thing without even looking in my direction and it drove me wild.

Maybe i should do an educational piece on my own fetishes...i probably sound somewhat crazy...

Anyway, then yesterday, i was brought to Walmart to get a collar and tag. i got a pretty pink collar with diamond studs all over it, and a collar that says "princess digit, property of Moon Goddess Eclipse" and i love it! i also got a bikini top.

For anyone that doesn't yet know, i'm trans. My boobies are tiny, (but there. i do have a handful!), but i went to the beach in my short shorts and bikini top, collar, and tag and i have never felt quite like that!

Today, i got 2 bikini sets. Both white, because Goddess likes me in white, and i modified them. The tops have no...anything. They are now cupless, just a skeleton of the former swim wear they once were, and i poked a hole in the bottom, so my clit is forever poking out, and i'm wearing one of those now. The other is sitting in bleach, where the one i'm wearing now will be tomorrow. All day tomorrow. Every day, i'll be bleaching one and wearing the other, so i'm always fresh, clean, and white.

i'm so happy, and i don't think anything can bring me down. And now, if you'll excuse me, i must cuddle this cat. Love Y/you!

Princess Digit

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Holy fucking shite!

i really don't get the computer often no more. It's really hard to write blog posts, and to those of You who enjoy them, i'm really sorry. W/we don't have much money, so only the one computer, and since i only need mine to work, and She needs it for so much more, She keeps it more often than not. i usually just have my screen.

Oh yea! Tons has fucking changed! So, Mommy has had me in my cage whenever She doesn't have a use for me at the moment. It's a bit small, (i feel like i mentioned the cage before, but whatever, i'm describing it again), but it's awesome. We put a comforter over it so it's always dark and warm and creepy and shut away from everything, but Mommy had some mercy and we converted an old phone into a screen so she can keep my mind stimulated. i don't like the software we had to use, though, so i'll be making some of my own, to fit our purposes a little better, and hopefully speed it up. We are using Splashscreen right now, and it's good for what it does over a good network with two decent systems, but we have...none of that. So when Mommy let's me watch Her tv shows with her, it's super laggy and Mommy doesn't have control over the settings. Plus, i can poke the screen and it does things. i know i'm not sposed to, but i'm capable, and that's the real issue.

We also bought a webcam and set it up in the cage, as well as turned on a remote webcam on the phone itself. So now, i am under 24/7 surveillance inside while locked inside my little cage.

What else...there was more...

Oh, we started designing our own semi-permanent cage home as well, which i'll give details on as Wwe are building it.

And that is a picture of our big scene from the other day. Me suffering as hot wax rains down on me, and the more it hurts, the more i pull, and the worse it got. It was pretty intense, but the candles burned too fast. 

So yea, don't forget to follow me on here, and share this post wherever You feel comfortable! And visit my patreon if You want to follow this interesting unfolding tale of psycho bdsm.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

My day of legit hell

Well, maybe not legit, but it was "awful"!

So, W/we decided to torture little ol' me. With heat. i love heat, i absorb a ton and then don't get cold for a good long while, and so Mommy said W/we were going to see how well i could really hack it. We have, like, an ancient space heater, and i was put in my cage, and Mommy just put it in front of me and turned it on. High. My cage is covered in a comforter, so i'm more "stored away" and because it's still pretty cold to be completely naked without cover.

She put the heater under the blanket with me. And it got really...really...really hot. The entire cage was burning hot, so i couldn't touch the bars, and the air was burning my lungs. i had water, so don't think we did this without some safety measures. At first, i was going to work on the computer while She watched TV, (which was on the tv, but through the computer. HDMI cables are awesome), but it quickly got too hot in there for the computer to operate, so Mommy took it away. Then, i had nothing but the orange glow that was causing all my discomfort, two dildos, and me. And so i did as i am required, and stuff the dildo in myself and play. i didn't really want to cum, though. For a lot of reasons. One, i felt pretty gross. i was dripping sweat, and i could smell it all over. Ew. But there's also...after i cum, what's the fun in the torture? When you're super turned on, the torture is sexy because you are being tortured, but once you aren't turned's just...pain...

But, i did eventually cum and the dream of torment turned into a torment of extreme heat and suffering. But, i found that it was still sexy. It might have even been a little more so, because now, it was just straight up suffering. And i really felt like Mommy was enjoying it, despite the silence. The heat needed to disipate from the computer before She could even turn it on!

And everything after that became kinda a blurry hazy feeling. i feel like i was pretty delirious while also being reasonably lucid. Like...i was hunched over, cowering as far away from that evil orange light as i possibly could, while sweat dripped off every inch of my flesh, and my mind just felt like it wouldn't turn on quite completely, but i was aware of what was happening and why. i just...let myself go, and while the circumstances were painful, at least mentally, i loved it. i got to feel so small and insignificant and feel like i was suffering like this just because it made Her smile absently while She chilled out. But, and the rest of this hasn't happened yet, but it's about to, and i'm nervous and excited!

We are going to do a more intense version of me just being left to suffer idly while She relaxes...And i won't really get access to a computer soon, so i'll describe how it felt tomorrow. Maybe. If i feel like it...We took the blanket off the cage and tested the violet wand. For those of you who don't know, a violet wand is an electro-play toy. Anyway, Mommy is going to lock a gag on my head, and cuff my hands to the bars of the cage, and lock it closed anyway, and turn on the electricity, so i can't touch the bars without hurting myself, while She enjoys a candle lit movie. The fact that the candles will be laying across the bars, dripping constantly on me. It'll be super unpredictable, and there will be no escape from any of it. Mommy might even put a wooden dowel in so my legs are kept high up and secured.

After the movie, Mommy is planning on enjoying a nice, slow, relaxing night by locking me into the cage, the computer inside so i can see, and the HDMI copying the feed so we see the same thing, and She is going to enjoy Massachusetts new laws to smoke up, blowing everything into a hose that delivers it under my blanket. There isn't much airflow, so i'll just be rebreathing it constantly while we chill. i might get out once more, to get ready for bed, but then i'll be locked in for the night, cut off from everything. Mommy said She might smoke a bit more, and keep blowing it into the cage, (i think She will), and i'll just have to wait for Her to let me out tomorrow.

i'm enjoying this so very much and i love that i found someone who completes me so much. And if You are enjoying hearing about them, hit up my patreon and become a patron so it can get more intense and deeper, and we can start making stuff! But, we should have pictures available after tonight, though i think they'll be a patron only reward, but i'm not sure, so You'll have to hope or join to make sure You get to see it!