Thursday, March 30, 2017

My day of legit hell

Well, maybe not legit, but it was "awful"!

So, W/we decided to torture little ol' me. With heat. i love heat, i absorb a ton and then don't get cold for a good long while, and so Mommy said W/we were going to see how well i could really hack it. We have, like, an ancient space heater, and i was put in my cage, and Mommy just put it in front of me and turned it on. High. My cage is covered in a comforter, so i'm more "stored away" and because it's still pretty cold to be completely naked without cover.

She put the heater under the blanket with me. And it got really...really...really hot. The entire cage was burning hot, so i couldn't touch the bars, and the air was burning my lungs. i had water, so don't think we did this without some safety measures. At first, i was going to work on the computer while She watched TV, (which was on the tv, but through the computer. HDMI cables are awesome), but it quickly got too hot in there for the computer to operate, so Mommy took it away. Then, i had nothing but the orange glow that was causing all my discomfort, two dildos, and me. And so i did as i am required, and stuff the dildo in myself and play. i didn't really want to cum, though. For a lot of reasons. One, i felt pretty gross. i was dripping sweat, and i could smell it all over. Ew. But there's also...after i cum, what's the fun in the torture? When you're super turned on, the torture is sexy because you are being tortured, but once you aren't turned's just...pain...

But, i did eventually cum and the dream of torment turned into a torment of extreme heat and suffering. But, i found that it was still sexy. It might have even been a little more so, because now, it was just straight up suffering. And i really felt like Mommy was enjoying it, despite the silence. The heat needed to disipate from the computer before She could even turn it on!

And everything after that became kinda a blurry hazy feeling. i feel like i was pretty delirious while also being reasonably lucid. Like...i was hunched over, cowering as far away from that evil orange light as i possibly could, while sweat dripped off every inch of my flesh, and my mind just felt like it wouldn't turn on quite completely, but i was aware of what was happening and why. i just...let myself go, and while the circumstances were painful, at least mentally, i loved it. i got to feel so small and insignificant and feel like i was suffering like this just because it made Her smile absently while She chilled out. But, and the rest of this hasn't happened yet, but it's about to, and i'm nervous and excited!

We are going to do a more intense version of me just being left to suffer idly while She relaxes...And i won't really get access to a computer soon, so i'll describe how it felt tomorrow. Maybe. If i feel like it...We took the blanket off the cage and tested the violet wand. For those of you who don't know, a violet wand is an electro-play toy. Anyway, Mommy is going to lock a gag on my head, and cuff my hands to the bars of the cage, and lock it closed anyway, and turn on the electricity, so i can't touch the bars without hurting myself, while She enjoys a candle lit movie. The fact that the candles will be laying across the bars, dripping constantly on me. It'll be super unpredictable, and there will be no escape from any of it. Mommy might even put a wooden dowel in so my legs are kept high up and secured.

After the movie, Mommy is planning on enjoying a nice, slow, relaxing night by locking me into the cage, the computer inside so i can see, and the HDMI copying the feed so we see the same thing, and She is going to enjoy Massachusetts new laws to smoke up, blowing everything into a hose that delivers it under my blanket. There isn't much airflow, so i'll just be rebreathing it constantly while we chill. i might get out once more, to get ready for bed, but then i'll be locked in for the night, cut off from everything. Mommy said She might smoke a bit more, and keep blowing it into the cage, (i think She will), and i'll just have to wait for Her to let me out tomorrow.

i'm enjoying this so very much and i love that i found someone who completes me so much. And if You are enjoying hearing about them, hit up my patreon and become a patron so it can get more intense and deeper, and we can start making stuff! But, we should have pictures available after tonight, though i think they'll be a patron only reward, but i'm not sure, so You'll have to hope or join to make sure You get to see it!

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