Thursday, January 19, 2017

Abasiophilia; Disability

Abasiophilia; Disability

You know that feeling when you head out for your first blind date with someone, and when they come, they have a disability affecting their mobility? They are stuck in a wheelchair, or on crutches? For some people, this is an active desire. Whether they want to be wheelchair bound, or love someone in one. 

And why not? People who have such a disability tend to garner more sympathy, at least to some, and there are those who want it to go further than simply helping out with some grocery shopping. Devotees, as they are often called, feel an arousal at the idea of helping out a disabled person, but sometimes in more ways than one. 

...I'm trying to stay super professional, but it's not working, so let's go with more erotic talk that still gets the point across. 

Let's assume you like women for a second. And you see a beautiful girl in a wheelchair, which just so happens to be something you enjoy. It's not just about the girl at this point, you gain a focal point on the fact that she can't walk. How your mind can interpret this is based in other fetishes, as well as other parts of the mind, but you do know you want her. 

Some facets of the theories behind this "paraphilia", (I'm just going to say fetish. I'm not a professional, but a researcher, and a laywoman at that), state that what you really want is her fetish. I don't think this is entirely the case. 

Personally, I think this fetish is about a desire to be support, and a desire to enjoy both the girl and the disability simultaneously. How? It depends on what's going on there. Is she paralyzed at all? Can she move her legs? Does she have legs to move? Is she missing one or both? How much? These questions all come into play, and a lot have to do with amputation, where some part of the body, (generally speaking, limbs, and in our case, legs). 

Now, I'm not going to go into a ton of detail about how hot a girl who has lost her legs is, because it's not exactly respectful of their situation, (just so you know, anyone out there who has lost a limb for any reason, you are beautiful, no matter what). What I'm going to go into detail about is what sex acts could be done, by whom, how, and then I'm going to go ahead and switch it up and do the male perspective, then I'm going to go into the deeper stuff, those who want to be disabled. This is looking like a multi-part episode, so I'm going to leave it here. There's your science. Well, part of it. This is just the surface. 

Tune in next time where we go over sex, the act of becoming disabled, and all the naughty things people fantasize about utilizing disability.

Later! <3

Princess Digit.

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