Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Welcome to the dungeon

Welcome to the dungeon

Hello, I'm Princess Digit. This is my blog. I am here because sex is a hobby and becoming a career for me, and I wanted to be able to have a place where I can talk about it, discuss it, hopefully get some comments which make for an interesting conversation or debate, and to promote myself on a different media site, which is helpful. 

Now, one must question my motives, because that is what people do, and what they are hardwired to do. We are curious people. Now, as for my motives in learning sexology, it's because sex has always been a weird passion of mine. Not generally with vanilla sex, because that's actually fairly easy, and is generally a show of passion or procreation. Boring stuff. I want to get into the interesting stuff. I want to talk about fetishes, from the most mundane that everyone has without realizing it, to the most unusual that most people don't even realize is a thing. From Abasiophilia, to zoophilia, and back again, while building up a list, with definitions and a glossary, and links to my theories, whatever pictures are appropriate to post, etc.

This is going to be a blog that's about the fun and psychology of sex. Science, passion, and lust will be portrayed here, and I'm considering this post as fair warning to those who have stomachs too weak to discuss how anyone could enjoy this stuff. Because we all get to enjoy whatever we want, no matter how possible, impossible, dangerous, or just plain freaky.

Let's get started, shall we? 

Below is a list of all the sexual fetishes, listed, on wikipedia, (links kept intact).

AbasiophiliaPeople with impaired mobility[3]
AcrotomophiliaPeople with amputations[4][5]
AgalmatophiliaStatues, mannequins and immobility[6]
AlgolagniaPain, particularly involving an erogenous zone; differs from masochism as there is a biologically different interpretation of the sensation rather than a subjective interpretation[7]
AndromimetophiliaTrans men[3][8]
AnililagniaAttraction by young men to older women[9]
AnthropophagolagniaRaping and then cannibalizing another person.[10]
AnthropophagyIngesting human flesh[10]
ApotemnophiliaBeing an amputee[4][11]
AsphyxiophiliaBeing asphyxiated or strangled[4]
Attraction to disabilityPeople with one or more physical disabilities.[12]
AutagonistophiliaBeing on stage or on camera[13][14]
AutassassinophiliaBeing in life-threatening situations[4]
Auto-haemofetishismBleeding oneself (does not involve ingestion of blood). Type of autovampirism.[18]
AutoandrophiliaA biological female imagining herself as a male[15][16]
Autoerotic asphyxiationSelf-induced asphyxiation, sometimes to the point of near unconsciousness[14]
AutogynephiliaA biological male imagining himself as a female[17]
AutonepiophiliaThe image of one's self in the form of an infant.[13]
AutopedophiliaThe image of one's self in the form of a child.[19]
AutoplushophiliaThe image of one's self in the form of a plush or anthropomorphized animal.[19]
AutovampirismThe image of one's self in the form of a vampire.[20] Involves ingesting or seeing one's own blood.[18]
AutozoophiliaThe image of one's self in the form of an animal or anthropomorphized animal.[19]
BiastophiliaRaping a person.[4]
ChremastistophiliaBeing robbed or held up[13]
ChronophiliaPartners of a widely differing chronological age[13]
CoprophiliaFeces; also known as scat, scatophilia or fecophilia[2][21]
DacryphiliaTears or crying[22]
Diaper fetishismDiapers; considerable overlap with paraphilic infantilism[23]
Erotic asphyxiationAsphyxia of oneself or others[25]
ErotophonophiliaMurder, often of strangers (also known as dacnolagnomania).[10]
ExhibitionismExposing one's genitals to unsuspecting and nonconsenting others[2]
FeederismEating, feeding, and weight gain.[26]
FormicophiliaBeing crawled on by insects[13][27]
ForniphiliaTurning a human being into a piece of furniture
FrotteurismRubbing against a non-consenting person[2]
GerontophiliaElderly people[28]
GynandromorphophiliaTranssexual or transgender women[3][29]
GynemimetophiliaTranssexual or transgender women[3][29]
HematolagniaDrinking or looking at blood[30]
HeterophiliaIdealization of heterosexuality and/or people who are "straight-acting," especially by non-heterosexual people.[31][32][33]
HomeovestismWearing clothing emblematic of one's own sex[34][35]
HoplophiliaFirearms, guns [36]
HybristophiliaCriminals, particularly for cruel or outrageous crimes[13][37]
InfantophiliaPedophilia with a focus on children five years old or younger, a recently suggested term that is not in general use[38]
KleptophiliaStealing; also known as kleptolagnia[3]
KlismaphiliaEnemas, either giving or having[3]
LactophiliaBreast milk[39]
LiquidophiliaImmersing genitals in liquids[39]
MacrophiliaGiants, giantesses.[39]
MasochismSuffering; being beaten, bound or otherwise humiliated[2]
MazophiliaHighly atypical sexual interest focused on female breasts.
MechanophiliaCars or other machines; also "mechaphilia."[41][42][43]
MicrophiliaTiny beings.[citation needed]
MorphophiliaParticular body shapes or sizes[14]
MysophiliaDirtiness, soiled or decaying things[3]
NarratophiliaObscene words[3]
ObjectophiliaSpecific inanimate objects[2]
OculolinctusLicking the eyeballs[46]
OculophiliaEyes and activities directly relating to and/or involving the eyes. Voyeurism does not meet classification for this term.
Paraphilic infantilismDressing or being treated like a baby, also known as autonepiophilia[13] or "adult baby syndrome";[47]considerable overlap with diaper fetishism[23]
PartialismSpecific, non-genital body parts[2][3]
PedophiliaPrepubescent children, also spelled paedophilia; often confused with hebephiliaephebophilia, and pederasty[2][48]
PedovestismDressing like a child[49]
PeodeiktophiliaExposing one's penis[4]
PictophiliaPornography or erotic art, particularly pictures[3][13]
PiquerismPiercing the flesh of another person, most commonly by stabbing or cutting the body with sharp objects[51]
PlushophiliaStuffed toy animals (Plushies).[52]
PygophiliaButtocks,[53] as in a highly atypical sexual interest focused on the buttocks.
RaptophiliaCommitting rape, possibly consensual rape fantasy[13]
SadismInflicting pain on others[2]
SalirophiliaSoiling or dirtying others[3]
SchediaphiliaCartoon characters or situations[40]
Sexual fetishismNonliving objects[2]
SomnophiliaSleeping or unconscious people[3][13]
SthenolagniaMuscles and displays of strength[39]
StigmatophiliaBody piercings and tattoos[4][39]
SymphorophiliaWitnessing or staging disasters such as car accidents[4]
Telephone scatologiaObscene phone calls, particularly to strangers; also known as telephonicophilia[2][13] and scatophilia[56]
TeratophiliaDeformed or monstrous people[57]
ToucherismTouching an unsuspecting, non-consenting person with the hand[58]
Transvestic fetishismWearing clothes associated with the opposite sex; also known as transvestism[2]
Transvestophiliatransvestite sexual partner[13]
TroilismCuckoldism, watching one's partner have sex with someone else, possibly without the third party's knowledge[14][59]
UrolagniaUrination, particularly in public, on others, and/or being urinated on. Also referred to as "water sports"[2][3][13][14]
VorarephiliaThe idea of one person or creature eating or being eaten by another; usually swallowed whole, in one piece[62]
VoyeurismWatching others while naked or having sex, generally without their knowledge; also known as scopophilia or scoptophilia[2][14]
Wet and messy fetishismMessy situations, including, but not limited to, being piedgunged or covered in mud
ZoosadismInflicting pain on or seeing animals in pain[63]
This list, in my opinion, is pathetically small. This doesn't encompass a lot of what is really out there. 

In the next post, we'll start discussing abasiophilia, which we see above is the fetishization of people with impaired mobility, such as a wheelchair or crutches. It'll be interesting.

This bottom piece will also be on every post, because I do need to eat as well. You can support me if you like what I'm doing, and want to see more, (by more I mean bigger and more in-depth, as far as the blog goes), by visiting my patreon. It only takes a few dollars a month to keep me going strong, and there's plenty in it for you, with games using sexology, stories, and the occasional dirty picture. 

...Seriously, that list is awful...

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