Friday, January 20, 2017

Fetishes Explained

Fetishes Explained

I came back to this today thinking about yesterday's topic, and feeling like there was something I was leaving out here. This blog can, and very well might, make you feel a bit uncomfortable. To be honest, with some of my theories, I'm a little uncomfortable coming to you with much more candor than a clinical scientist. But I'm not, and I don't want to come across as a stuffy woman who is imagined in a stuffy pantsuit trying to tell you why you like things and make you uncomfortable with a lot of the why as far as how that works.

I swear to god, I'm not that woman. 

I want to discuss these as I normally would, but I need to explain a few things, I think, before I do so, for my own sake. This will be what I point to when I get a lot of questions about who I am, what this is about, and how I can like with myself understanding how some of these are sexy. 

So, to start. I'm not going to tell you my real name, but you can call me Digit. I am happy to drop the honorific for you, because I don't think it's necessary. I am a 29 year old woman living in Massachusetts. I work a day job, though not one I would consider fulfilling, and I work on research, philosophy, and theoretical sexology and psychology. I also work as a game designer, and a lot of what I'm discussing here is actually being used for a legitimate video game. 

The game, as far as this blog need be concerned, isn't entirely important, (though you will see consistent links to my patreon, because that will support this as well). What's important here is explaining my thoughts, theories, and understanding of the extraordinarily large world of sexual "deviation". 

I can't go too deeply into the history of a fair amount of fetishes, but that's...kinda understandable.

So, let's talk about that word for a moment, shall we? Fetish It's so...taboo, while also being such an exciting feeling, isn't it? Like we're doing something wrong, but it's ok? Some of you are shaking your head at that, but for those who aren't, it's because they learned earlier that there is legitimately nothing wrong with enjoying something different. Every. Single. Solitary. Person. On. This. Planet. Does. It. Once more, with feeling It's ok!

Hell, people who think they don't have one, discuss theirs ALL THE TIME. You know you have that coworker who's a total ass man, don't you? Doesn't that sound a lot like he's sexually idolizing something? It's deemed strangely ok when it's already a sexual thing, doesn't it? High school boys do it all the time, if movies are to be believed.

So, how can I think about this stuff? Simply...this stuff god damned fascinates me. Do you know how unusual some fetishes are? Let's go with the easy little mainstream stuff, (these are very common fetishes), pee, poo, bondage, pain, violation, power. Those got more believable as they went. But you see it, right? How can someone sexualize some of this stuff? I need to know! And, I want to get an idea of where it came from, why they feel the way they do about it, and I want them to be able to read an in depth sexology article about why it's interesting, and how it's fun. 

For some things, that's a challenge. 

So, if you're reading this, I welcome comments. I welcome discussions. I welcome honest discourse, and I will happily keep everything discreet. Let's walk among the freaks and come out feeling better about it. And about ourselves. 

I'll get back tomorrow with the in depth discussion on why disabled cuties are amazing, but for now, I hope you can consider your fetishes with pride. 

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